The Boules (the Black Skull & Bones division)

Jay Z imagesWith so many Black celebrities like Lebron James, Jay-Z, Drake, Beyonce, Lil Wayne, Nikki Minaj, Frank Ocean, Kanye West, Ric Ross, the late great Michael Jackson etc flashing blatant Illuminati symbols and references in their music and videos and before a basketball game (Lebron), I had to write this article.

Let’s get this straight; none of them are members of the Illuminati, Bohemian Grove or Skull & Bones. Why? Because those organizations are for affluent White Men Only! So neither Blacks nor Women are allowed to join. What they are, are members of an offshoot of Skull & Bones called Sigma Pi Phi aka the Boule which means ‘Adviser to the King’.

Founded by two doctors, a dentist and a physician (all Afro-American) the fraternity was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1904. They established chapters in Chicago, IL and then Baltimore, MD. The organization was created because Non-White professionals were not offered participation in the professional and cultural associations organized by affluent White males. Sigma Pi Phi has over 5,000 members and 126 chapters throughout the United States and the West Indies. Rumor has it that almost every prominent Black Male celebrity or successful business mogul is a member of this organization.

What started out as an organization for prosperous Black Men to congregate and pull their resources together has over the years morphed into something more sinister. Rumor has it that the organization was infiltrated and neutralized by the Skull & Bones circa 1965 during the height of the civil rights movement, to do their corporate and social engineering bidding in exchange for access to resources like fame, funding, position, real estate, adequate legal representation and so on. For one, the Boule is not an organization one can apply to; joining is done by invite only. So an applicant has to be screened and fit their profile of membership.

Political figures like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are said to be members. How these two operate in favor of the Boule that operate in favor of big business is whenever an incident happens when a person of color is the victim of a white person they’re the first take on the responsibility of exacting justice. How do they exact justice? By creating a storm of confusion via “blame whitey” and black victimization. Completely ignoring the fact that number one killer of Black men ages 16 – 35 are other black men. Many Black politicians partner with Zionistic media outlets in creating a “hate whitey mentality in many Blacks who aren’t aware of this trick.

Rappers like Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Lil Wayne and others promote hedonistic music, flashing illuminati symbols, while showing off their riches to implant in the minds of many young people of color that the best way to become rich and famous is to belong to a secret society and “do as thou wilt” like Aleister Crowley (who both Jay-Z and Michael Jackson look and looked up to). How does all of this tie into Sigma Pi Phi? As members of this elite organization they must operate in the best interests of their corporate investors and against the betterment of their own people.Beyonce illuminati images

Politicians like Sharpton and Jackson promote a Black victimization “fuck the system” mentality while Black entertainers promote an outlaw anarchistic mindset and lifestyle that’s prevalent amongst poor minority communities nationwide. Both are members of the Boule and both parties create anti-social behavior with no sense of accountability which influences criminal behavior thus filling up the prison industry. Mainstream rappers also dictate what alcoholic beverage, car, or fashion brand to buy; making many of these corporations billions of dollars in exchange for endorsements.

Simply put, they seduce their own people then lead them to the slaughterhouse. This is why a boastful former crack dealers like 50 Cent and Jay-Z are promoted and humble educated gifted rappers like Mos Def and Common are not. To summarize the recent explosion of Black entertainers using secret society symbols and hand signs. They are not members of the illuminati but they are members of the Boule (a Black secret society) who does the bidding for the illuminati in exchange for fame, fortune, and access to resources.

boule_history_foundersNote: The organization is also said to engage in homosexual initiation acts of hetero sexual males in order to join and are sworn to secrecy.

The official Sigma Pi Phi websites

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